Monday, August 23, 2010

APS 2010

I am done with my second Annual Progress Seminar (APS) today. And traditionally, it was done without the presence of my PhD supervisor. Two examiners were there, may be the same will happen in my PhD defense as well ;) I mainly talked about the paper which I put in arXiv in June. ( In the annual progress report also I just pasted the whole paper, nothing else. The seminar was cool, fortunately I was not attacked with too many questions but by some basic doubts which the examiners had. At the end I talked about some of the work which I have been doing recently. The paper I mentioned above is yet not published, the referee's comments have come, and I am done with almost all the suggested corrections and modifications. After I get green signal from my collaborators, I will probably resubmit it as soon as possible. Hope it gets published soon, I am dying to get one published paper so that I can apply for various conferences :)

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