Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Weekdays getting more and more hectic

The weekdays are becoming very hectic for me. After I come back to hostel at 6 pm I am left with almost zero energy. I don't know how much work I do, but staying in lab from 9 am to 6 pm seems hectic. I am currently busy with a paper on some neutrino mass mechanisms. I am using mathematica to diagonalize the mass matrices and see if the desired mass spectra are coming. For a specific choice of parameters I am able to generate the desired masses, but now I think it would be better to do some parameter space study instead of choosing some specific parameter values. I am not sure if I will be able to do such things using mathematica. In fortran, things would have been much easier I guess. I just need to do a finite number of iterations for different choice of parameters within some specific ranges, diagonalize the mass matrix and store the masses in some arrays. Then I can plot mass versus the parameters and see for which parameter space I am getting the desired mass spectra. Since I am using windows in my lappy, I may have to ask the PRL people to provide me with a computer with linux installed in it.

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