Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan 2011 disaster!

Japan has been one of the worst sufferer of natural as well as war disasters throughout the ages. And none of them could stop them from becoming one of the most developed nation in the world. The latest such disaster in the March 10th quake of 8.9 magnitude in the Richter scale which brought Tsunami as well as nuclear disasters by triggering blast at couple of nuclear power plants. Japanese premier has called it the worst disaster since world war II. So far there have been three blasts in the nuclear power plants which is slowly increasing the radiation leak. Even the city of Tokyo which is around 25o km away from one of such nuclear plant, has detected a minute increase in radiation level (not a threat to human life so far). If further such radiation leak is not controlled, this can prove to be much worse than the Tsunami itself which killed more than 10 thousand people. Not a single good news is coming in the media till now about the situations in Japan. Instead of asking the people to be united and calm at this time of disaster, some stupid media is trying to related this quake with a possible end of the world hypothesis in 2012, creating a panic among the common people. There is nothing new happening, such natural disasters have been happening since the beginning of life. This time the situation has become critical due to the blasts at Nuclear power plants. But I hope Japan will prove to be strong like before and will restore their development, their economy. Hope the whole world will stand united and will do whatever then can for this beautiful country and its people.


Sireesha said...

First,I see that I can comment only on this post as others seem to be written in a language far beyond my comprehension :)

Well, the latest is a fourth explosion in the Fukushima nuclear plant, radiation levels reaching to upto 400 times the permissible levels, The French and a few Indians too, asked to evacuate Tokyo immediately...lots of developments( on the negative front,situation seems to be going out of their hands too) Well, the only authentic news source is BBC , others of course are fighting for their share of trp when relating apocalypse with the present disaster...

The most significant question is "how far are nuclear reactors in other parts of the world safe anymore, and rightly countries like Germany, US UK and more are conducting checks on their existing plants) when considering scenario back home, we are caught up in a sitaution like between scylla and caribidis, where on one hand Nuclear power generation is probably one of the only significant ways of rising up to our superpower dream ( germany and rest can put newer projects on hold since they already are developed) when new projects at jaitapur and other places are important, in my opinion.

Quark said...

Yeah, the things are not getting better at all..Hope it will improve soon..
Yeah India will be under tremendous pressure both from outside and inside after Japan Nuclear disaster. No matter how high precautionary measures India can assure of, it wont be a good idea to build Nuclear power plants in places which can be affected by Tsunami as well as Quakes. Because nobody can estimate the destructive power of a future quake or Tsunami..Jaitapur plant will face lots of trouble as it comes inside a seismic active zone..Let's see what happens..I think India do not need to hurry a lot in building Nuke power plants and should spend some time and effort in re-deciding the locations!