Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bharat Bandh 24th March!

One of my friend from Germany (who never heard of Sachin Tendulkar) today was asking whether we will get food in the mess tomorrow or not. I asked him what makes him think so, and he said he heard somewhere that tomorrow India is going to play a very crucial match against Australia and it could be possible that everything in India comes to a standstill. Well, up to a little exaggeration, this is true in fact. Such things won't surprise anyone in a cricket crazy nation like India. People across the country must have postponed or preponed various things so that they don't clash with the match timings tomorrow. In our department also, we have postponed one discussion session from tomorrow evening to sometime in the next week. But fortunately our mess will remain open and we will continue to get food ;) Hope tomorrow's match will live up to the expectations of these crazy cricket lovers!

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