তুমি আহিবা বুলি ৰৈ আছিলো
নাহিলা দেখোন
তোমাৰ অবিহনে কটোৱা দিনবোৰৰ
হিচাপ লব নাহা নেকি ?
আহিবা কেতিয়াবা, মই নাথাকিলেও
মোৰ কোঠাৰ চুকে কোণে থকা
আধাপোৰা চিগাৰেট আৰু কফিৰ উদং
গিলাচবোৰক লগ কৰিবা ।
সিহঁতে দিব তোমাক মোৰ ডায়েৰীখন,
সেই নিদ্রাহীন নিশাবোৰৰ এক খতিয়ান
তুমি কাৰ প্রেমত বলিয়া আজি ?
তোমাৰ সেই হাঁহি, সেই মধুৰ পৰশ আজি
মোৰ বাবে যেন এক ইন্চ'মনিয়া
ব'ম্বেৰ আকাশত যদি তৰা দেখিলোহেঁতেন
তৰা গণি ৰজনী কটালোহেঁতেন ।
তোমাৰ চুবুৰীত কুকুৰৰ ভুকনি শুনানে আজিকালি ?
আগতে তোমাৰ তালৈ চোৰৰ দৰে যাওঁতে যে
কুকুৰে ভুকিছিল মনত আছেনে ?
মই জানো, আজি মোৰ কথা শুনিবলৈ তোমাৰ আহৰি নাই
কিন্তূ মই তথাপিও বাট চাম,
পুনৰ সেই জীৱন ঘূৰাই পোৱাৰ আশাত.............
Thursday, July 30, 2009
মোৰ বাবে আনে লিখা এটি কবিতা....
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে তোমাৰ ওঁঠৰ ফাঁকেৰে সৰকি পৰা
প্ৰেৰণাৰ উষ্ণ ভাষাবোৰ মোৰ জোনাকী দুহাতত
সৃষ্টিৰ এটি সেউজ বাঁহী
বাঁহীৰ সুৰত মোৰ অনুভৱ
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে তোমাৰ স্থিতি মোৰ হৃদয় উপত্যকাত
জোনাক নিশাৰ দৰে মায়াময়
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে দুচকুৰ গভীৰতাত মই মোক বিচাৰি পাওঁ
অৰণ্যৰ মাজত, যি অৰণ্যত মাথোঁ ভালপোৱাৰ সেউজ নিমন্ত্ৰণ
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে কেতিয়াবা তোমাৰ চকুৰ মেঘত
প্ৰত্যক্ষ কৰোঁ আকাশৰ উচুপনি
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে তুমি মোৰ ওচৰলৈ আহা
পুৱাতে প্ৰেমৰ একাঁজলি ৰ’দ হৈ
প্ৰেৰণাৰ উষ্ণ ভাষাবোৰ মোৰ জোনাকী দুহাতত
সৃষ্টিৰ এটি সেউজ বাঁহী
বাঁহীৰ সুৰত মোৰ অনুভৱ
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে তোমাৰ স্থিতি মোৰ হৃদয় উপত্যকাত
জোনাক নিশাৰ দৰে মায়াময়
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে দুচকুৰ গভীৰতাত মই মোক বিচাৰি পাওঁ
অৰণ্যৰ মাজত, যি অৰণ্যত মাথোঁ ভালপোৱাৰ সেউজ নিমন্ত্ৰণ
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে কেতিয়াবা তোমাৰ চকুৰ মেঘত
প্ৰত্যক্ষ কৰোঁ আকাশৰ উচুপনি
তুমি নজনাকৈয়ে তুমি মোৰ ওচৰলৈ আহা
পুৱাতে প্ৰেমৰ একাঁজলি ৰ’দ হৈ
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This is the most ridiculous thing ever happened to me. I got selected in the "3rd International Summer School in Astroparticle Physics Nijmegen", the Netherlands (http://nijmegen09.hef.kun.nl/)where they also accepted my work on "Dark matter candidates in Supersymmetric Left-Right Models" for an oral presentation. They offered me financial assistance of 1000 Euro which will cover my local expenses there. However they refused to give me travel grant. Accordingly I asked my supervisor if I could get some travel grant from my home institute itself. He said since I am giving a presentation there on my work in principle I deserve to get a travel grant. I wrote an application to the Dean AP and attached the selection letter from the School organizers. My guide forwarded the application to the dean AP more than ten days after I sent it to him. Then he asked me to go to Dean AP 's office here to know details about the grant. When I went to the Dean AP's office the people sitting there said I can apply for grant but I will be informed about the approval only by the end of second week of August. It was so odd to me since I have to leave on 18th August for Amsterdam if at all I wish to attend the school. I can't even promise the organizers that I would be coming and at the last moment cancel my program due to non-approval of the travel grant. This was so embarrassing for me that I finally given up all my hopes to attend the school and did not even apply for the travel grant. Thats how things happen in one of the best institutes in India. Its damn fuckin ridiculous...
Positron excess in cosmic rays is not being possible to explain with existing numerial packages...:(
I was looking for numerical packages available for calculating dark matter relic density like micrOMEGA, DarkSUSY etc. It seems to me that these packages won't be useful for calculating positron fraction which can fit with the observed PAMELA, FERMI data. One main reason is that the cross section of dark matter annihilation should be very high (than allowed from the thermal dark matter relic density argument). We need a boost of the order of ~100 so as to fit the positron excess with the observed data. Thus having a particle physics model where the proposed dark matter particle annihilates only to leptons in the tree level is not enough, we also need to look for some boost factor. I don't think the existing packages include such boost factor at all. What I am thinking of doing is that calculate the relic density (approximate) from the standard formula, find out the cross section of dark matter annihilation to all possible particles at tree level and then find out the positron fraction coming from it including the boost factor. I have no idea whether this approach will be good or not but have no other option than to do it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Recent Home Trip
I have just come back from my home. The journey was pretty cool (which I never expect in general) in the company of Akram and Shibam (alias Cancer). Although the weather in Assam this time was unusually hot yet my stay there was really enjoyable as always. The first couple of days I stayed in Guwahati only for nothing in particular. This time there was a new train from Guwahati to my home. It was really nice to go by train considering the pathetic situation of the national highways in North-East India.
I also visited Tezpur University this time. It was a beautiful newly built campus. I met some old friends there. Hope I would be able to visit that campus again. In the last week of my stay I went to a place called Deopani in Karbi-Anglong district. The journey was great, we went through Kaziranga National Forest, Nambor forest and Gorompani to reach that place. There was a very old Durga Mandir there. Although I am not very religious kinda guy yet I enjoyed the journey.
Now after coming back to Mumbai, I am feeling so home-sick. May be I will need one or two weeks to get adjusted. I am also worried about my work in this semester. My guide will not be in Mumbai and I have to be here to do some stupid compulsory coursework. Anyway hope to do some good work of my own.
I also visited Tezpur University this time. It was a beautiful newly built campus. I met some old friends there. Hope I would be able to visit that campus again. In the last week of my stay I went to a place called Deopani in Karbi-Anglong district. The journey was great, we went through Kaziranga National Forest, Nambor forest and Gorompani to reach that place. There was a very old Durga Mandir there. Although I am not very religious kinda guy yet I enjoyed the journey.
Now after coming back to Mumbai, I am feeling so home-sick. May be I will need one or two weeks to get adjusted. I am also worried about my work in this semester. My guide will not be in Mumbai and I have to be here to do some stupid compulsory coursework. Anyway hope to do some good work of my own.
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